Monday, November 11, 2013

Love Problem 101 : Being Ignored

Once upon a time...

there's a girl who loved nobody. Nobody because she's afraid to fall, she's afraid to get hurt, she's afraid to love. One day, a boy befriend her. Neither the girl knew, that this boy will change her life better for a while...but miserable until she can finally accept what happened. So this boy befriend her, he makes the girl happy, makes the girl feel special, makes the girl feel "kilig", and most specially, the boy who makes the girl finally, fall in love. 

The girl finally fell in love. She did everything to please the boy...everything. She risks it all for her 'love' to be happy. One day, everything has changed. No text, no call, no chat, nothing came from the boy. The girl was so nervous. She kept on thinking what happened to the old 'them'. She wonder if she did anything to make the boy upset. But none. All she did was to love the boy unconditionally, knowing that their feeling are mutual. But no. After realizing things, she finds out that the boy is just using her. He used the girl's weakness to get what he wants. To be 'cool'. To get many girls. To boast to his friends how good he is at playing girls. The girl was so broken. All she can do was smile, and pretend that everything is fine. She don't want to look dumb and she wanted to proove the boy the she can live without him. But on the inside, she is torn. 


1. He's not serious. He only wants to play around.
2. He already got something he wants from you.
3. He suddenly saw one of your attitudes, which he don't like.
4. He don't want commitment.
5. He wants to boast to his friends that he has many girls.
6. You are just assuming that he likes you, even if he's not.

Whatever the reason that boy ditch you, the feeling is still terrible. You feel lost, you feel empty, you have so many questions in your mind, you feel like you've been used. Ugh, hate that feeling </3 

Here are few tips if you were in the same condition :

* STOP STALKING HIM. Stop looking at his picture, his posts, his texts, everything that reminds you of him. But don't be bitter. What I mean is, stop from remembering that he exists, BUT don't unfriend him nor block him. He will just think that you're too affected because of him. He will only feel  prouder. He's a jerk for hurting you, stop giving him importance to your life, he doesn't deserve it.

* BE BETTER, NOT BITTER. Be better not for him, but for you. But it will also affect him. When you became better he will regret that he leaves you. He will want you more, but of course you will not accept him (please don't) so that will be your revenge to him. You will be better + you'll give him what he deserves. Ahh...that feeling of success :--)

* ENGAGE IN OTHER ACTIVITIES. Not only you will learn new stuff, but you will also forget that you are sad. Easy right?

So that's it. Our first Love problem. :-)

If you have any suggestions, you can email me at
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